Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants & Learning To Love The Process

Most people die without even realizing how much knowledge they kept in secret because they used to think it was irrelevant to share with the world. Most people don't utilize maximum of their potential because they aren't self confident and those who do believe in their strength sometimes end up too early because of being … Continue reading Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants & Learning To Love The Process

Securing Software in Agile SDLC & Allocating Testing Resources

It's tough to get yourself started when Agile SDLC is new to you, but when you tweak some processess and adjust them, you'll be able to increase your productivity. Software engineers must take security department into account but you also must learn from they how to be effective without disturbing their workflow.

Creating Security Culture in Startups and SMBs

Before you start working with engineers, make sure you have support of execs, learn what are the business objectives in your company, what are the points of focus for management and then adjust your latter engagements basing on the data you collected. It’s hard to provide a generic recommendations because each organization and each exec … Continue reading Creating Security Culture in Startups and SMBs

Reading is an art and this is how I’ve learnt it

Everyone thinks they know how to read books. And I was nohow different, for years wasting the potential of tens of books I’ve read only because I didn’t know how to extract the value from them. No one ever showed me how to do it, until I’ve spent myself hundreds of hours reading hundreds of … Continue reading Reading is an art and this is how I’ve learnt it

I want to be a hacker: But where do I start?

Together with Ricki Burke‍ we’ve written a good piece of advice for aspiring hackers and InfoSec Professionals-wannabie trying to break into the security industry. Hope this helps new generations of security fellows, and those are the things I really wish I’ve had heard when I was starting out in the field. Please find our article on … Continue reading I want to be a hacker: But where do I start?

Learn how to run productive security meetings

In my experience, engineers are sometimes scared — for real — to join a meeting with a security team. Lots of engineers I’ve met had bad to at least poor experience in the past with security folks who either shouted over them or were blocking all initiatives and defaulting to NO each time someone asked a question. To build … Continue reading Learn how to run productive security meetings